Sunday 4 December 2011

AO2 Gymnastics Based Sport

Vaulting –


Direct vaults – the purpose of this skill is the easiest vault and young gymnastics can learn new vaulting skills.  

Handspring – the purpose of this skill is that it is like a floor handspring but you bounce of a springboard instead.

Single Turn – the purpose of this skill is that the high you go up in levels, it adds more to do in the vault.   

One-quarter to half turn- the purpose of this skill is to do a quarter turn then a do have to do a half turn.

Round-off entry – the purpose of this skill is that it is the skill which is judged the highest judged but is the hardest to do.   


Coaching Points:

Direct vaults – when you are performing this vault you should do a plain forward first flight, landing on the table as a stoop or squat.   

One-quarter to half turn – when you are performing this vault you have to remember it is a quarter turn then a half turn controlling the rotation is the most important part of this move.

Single Turn – when you are performing this vault make sure are always doing it at your max potential and not at an easier level. 

Handspring – when you are performing this vault make sure you are pushing of with hands with enough force to flip over.

Round-off entry – when you are performing this vault make sure you remember when you judge where you are going to begin the round off make sure it is where you will land perfectly in the springboard.

Drills to improve skills:

Sprints – this drill is where you practice running with you arms bent and pumping forward, opposite to your knees that are straight forward.

Running methods – this drill is where you practice running at different lengths and at different speeds to see which is the best speed to approach the vaulting bench.

Jumping methods – this drill is where you practice jumping with different methods and see which is the most effective and the one which will get you a high score by the judges.

Performing the skills:

Direct vault – this vault is used because it is the easies one to do and is a good vault for young gymnast to do.

One-quarter to half turn – this vault is used because it allows you to execute your skills in turns from a quarter to a half turn.

Single Turn – this vault is used because it is a good way for upping your level in gymnastics by each level going up it requires more for you to do. 

Handspring – this vault is used because it is an easy vault to do and there is forty one different ways of doing this move by adding extra elements of difficulty.  

Round-off entry – this vault is used because it is a good way of the gymnast to learn how to make judgement on when they have to begin to round off and land perfectly on the springboard.


Your Strengths and Weaknesses – By watching video’s and analysis their own performance, they will be able to see there strengths and what they find hard and need a lot of practice, to be able to come stronger. Have people watch you practice and see what your strengths and weaknesses.  

Targeting your Weaknesses – If you identify your faults, mistakes or weaknesses, you should target these by practising them, perfecting the best technique to improve your performance, if your run up is wrong or it does not generate enough power, try increasing or decreasing your stride, look to where you hit the spring board or train for strength in your upper body.


Practice – you strategy should be that you practice on all of the techniques and try to improve your weaknesses, so will be able to do more vaults and learn new ways of doing the vaults. Practicing is ways of learning how you should improve on your way you are going to be able to fight yourself and gain confidence and will become the winner.    

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