Sunday 4 December 2011

AO2 Athlectis Based Sport

Swimming –


Basic Skills

Front Crawl –
the purpose of this skill is that it is the quickest and most effective way of swimming

Breaststroke – the purpose of this skill is an easy stroke in swimming but it is not the quickest way of swimming, it is a skill which is for people who can’t hold their breath in water as you do not need to put your head under water if you choose. 

Back stroke – the purpose of this skill is that it is a stroke doesn’t acquire you holding your breath under water and requires less effort as buoyancy help in the stroke.

Lifesaving Skills:

Rotary kick – the purpose of this skill is to keep you floating when swimming in a pool.

Surface Dives:
Feet first Surface Dives – the purpose of this skill is to be able to save somebody who is drowning but you are not a good person at breathing under water. Also if you want to travel long the surface and can’t be under water this is the purpose of this skill. 

Headfirst Surface Dives the purpose of this skill is to be able to save somebody who is drowning at the bottom of a swimming pool, if you are a good swimmer you can use this dive, also if you want to travel along the surface.

Water Polo Skills:

Egg beater - the purpose of this skill is to be able keep your self floating at a height of being able to move quickly.

Reflexes – the purpose of this skill you must be able to be sharp and on your toes to let you move quickly.

Awareness - the purpose of this skill is to be able to be aware and know where you have got to go. 


Coaching Points:

Breast stroke – when you are swimming breast stroke you should bring up your head, every time you do the stroke. Take long arm strokes and even leg kicks in time with your arms.
Front Crawl - when you are swimming you should move your head to a side and breathe every three arms pull’s. Stay straight and use your lad hand to cut into the water.

Back stroke – when you are swimming you should look up, keep your head straight looking at the ceiling. Stretch out with each overhand arm stroke, keep your feet kicking evenly try not to break the water line with your feet.

Rotary Kick – when you are swimming you should keep your legs in a constant movement.
Feet First Surface Dive - when you are performing this skill you should have your legs tight together and have a straight body. 

Head First Surface Dive - when you are performing this skill you should have a straight body from your head to toes.

Egg Beater – when you are performing this skill should have your legs pumping at all times.

Reflexes – when you are performing this skill you should be ready and have good reflexes.

Awareness – when you are performing this skill you should be sharp and aware.

Performing the Skills:

Feet First Surface dive: this skill is used when you need to reach the bottom but don’t like breathing under water.   

Head first Surface dive: this skill is used when you need to reach the bottom, however you don’t like breathing under water and like to go in at quicker.

Rotary Kick: this skill is used because it is needed to keep your head above the water and safe and prevents you drowning. 

Breast stroke: this skill is used because it is stroke that doesn’t acquire a lot of power but more determination.   

Front Crawl: this skill is used because it is the quickest way swimming and is and easy to stroke to understand.

Back stroke: this skill is used because it is the easiest stroke to use if you problems with breathing under water.

Egg Beater: this skill is used because it is a good way of keeping yourself at perfect positions to be on your toes and ready to move.

Reflexes: this skill is used because it used across all of the pitch and is when you need to be quick on your feet and have quick movements. 

Awareness: this skill is used because it used across al of the pitch and is needs you to be aware and be ready to strike. 

Drills to do with the skills: 

Sculling: Is where you swimming along and you are using your hands like propeller blades, where your elbows stay still.

Kicking: is where you kick your legs with the arm that you move forward with first arm that your use. 

Fist Swimming: is where you have your hands in fists and swim along with your concentrate on your body position with your forearms and elbow bend through the stroke. 
Distance per Stroke: is where you try to get the maximum out of all of your strokes.

Tactics and Strategies

Strengths and weaknesses – Swimmers find out about there opponents by watching video and analysis on what are the strengths of there opponent swimmers and where they are weaker.   Also watching there opponent swimmers when they are doing training for the champions and make notes on there strengths and there weakness. Weaknesses could be with stamina, technique or power.

Targeting Weaknesses – If after watching the video and analysis about your opponents, you will be able to know that one of your opponents is good at the beginning of races and is bad at the end of them. However by watching the video you find out that somebody is bad at the start but good at the end.

Examples of Tactics and Strategies –
When you are 200m a good tactic is that you should control your pace at the beginning in the first 50m, and then you should build up your pace in the next 50m. Then you should maintain you’re in the third 50m and then you sprint as fast as you can in the last 50 meters. You should practice before you use it in a race to see what is does for you.   

Swim Strategies starting –
Free style
  • No too deep
  • Kick and streamline
  • Do not breathe on the 1st stroke
Breast stroke
  • A little deeper than freestyle
  • 3-2-1 pull down’s
  • Accelerate inside the flags
Back stroke
  • Hands on gutter
  • Long streamline 2-4 dolphin kicks then flutter
  • Strong breakout stroke - 1 arm at a time
  • A little deeper than freestyle
  • Long streamline and dolphin kick hard to surface
  • Do no breathe in the first stroke
Swim Strategies Finishing
Free style
  • Accelerate inside the flags
  • Do not breathe in the last 5 yards
  • Reach and touch the wall underwater - no extra strokes done before you reach and touch the wall
  • Do not breathe the last five yards of your race
  • Accelerate and charge down the wall
  • Always touch the wall underwater with two hands
  • Reach for the wall at the end of the race
  • Do not take an extra stroke on your finishing the race
Breast stroke
  • Accelerate inside the flags
  • Stretch for the wall - do not take an extra stroke
  • Always touch the wall with 2 hands under the water
Back stroke
  • Accelerate inside the flags
  • Note your stroke count
  • Last stoke-head goes back and you kick
  • Charge at the wall
  • Always touch the wall under water
  • Do not breath the last 5 yards of the race
Swimming Strategies Turns
Free style
  • Accelerate inside the flags
  • Snappy flip turn
  • Streamline and kick off wall
  • Do not breathe the 1st stroke
Breast stroke
  • Touch with 2 hands
  • Snappy flip
  • A little deeper than freestyle
  • 3-2-1 pull down’s
Back stroke
  • Accelerate inside the flags
  • Note your stroke count from the flags without looking for wall
  • Snappy flips
  • Long streamline 2-4 dolphin kicks then flutter
  • Strong breakout stroke – 1 arm only
  • Touch the wall with 2 hands
  • A little deeper than freestyle
  • Long streamline and dolphin kick hard to surface
  • Do not breathe in the first stroke
  • Accelerate inside the flags

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