Monday 9 January 2012

AO3 Athletic Based Sport

Swimming –


Logging Performance –

 How many metres?
Time (secs)
Front crawl
Front crawl

Explanation of times reversing
Ways that times reverse are lack of sleep, tiredness, too much chlorine in the water, water being to cold and water being to hot. These effect my times because it makes them slower and harder to swim.

Diary entry

September 2010
Dear diary, in my swimming lesson I am learning life saving skills for my next badge by helping people who are in distress in water. I was shown different ways; throwing a rope to the person in distress holding on to it and you pull them in to the side, throwing a empty bottle or a rubber ball to aid as a flotation device and tell the person to kick there legs as hard as they can and help them get out; getting a long floater telling them to hold on while you pull them in. Through this I improved by being able to help some body in distress in water and to know the correct ways of helping them from drowning, without endangering myself.

October 2010
Dear diary, in my swimming lesson I learnt the correct arms and breathing methods for front crawl and breast stroke; where you have to know how many arm pulls are necessary before you turn your head to a side in front crawl, the answer is every three and how many times you breathe in breast stroke it is every stroke that you do. Through this I have improved by knowing all the correct arm pulls and breathing for front crawl and breast stroke and knowing how to perform them correctly. 

November 2010
Dear diary, in my swimming lessons, I learnt the correct arm pulls for back stroke; that you should cut the water with your arms brushing your ears and bring them back round to get a push and your legs to be kicking with strength but not breaking the water. Through this I improved my correct arm pulls for backstroke and know how to get the best arms pulls for gliding through the water. 

Executing skills
Front crawl
Rotary Kick
Feet first surface dive
Head first surface dive
Egg beater

I won this certificate for performing a reaching rescue, swim 50 meters of a recognised front stroke, swim 25 meters of recognised front stroke, swim 25 meters of backstroke, swim 25 meters front crawl demonstrating bilateral breathing. Also swim 2 meters of a front stroke perform a head first surface dive and swim 5 meters under water, swim 5 meters perform feet firsts dive and swim 5 meters underwater.

Drills to improve

Swimming different types of strokes – this is where you chose a type of stroke and choose how many lengths, you want to do and swim and see if you can swap to another stroke to learn how to change and end strokes.  

Different dives – this is where you chose a type of dive and practices it again and again, until you have it perfectly performed and then try another type of dive until it is perfected.

Practicing life safety- this where you practice saving people who are drowning in water by either throwing a rope and telling them to hold on and you pull them in, at the same time they are kicking there legs. Or throwing a rubber ball to help them float and the person who is drowning kicks there legs, also you do the same with a big empty bottle. Or use a long foam tubing to pull the person in and put there hands in a secure position. 

My strengths that I am very good at front crawl and fast when performing this stroke, also I am very good at breast stroke I have a good technique when executing the stroke.

My weaknesses are that when it comes to back stroke, I can perform the stroke well but I struggle to hold my head up and can’t concentrate because when my arms come out of the water, they splash a lot of water at my face which makes difficult for me to concentrate. Other weakness is butterfly my arms don’t have enough power to come from slightly behind my body and then to power myself forward.  

Video to show how I perform

Witness Statements

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