Tuesday 10 January 2012

AO4 Games Based Sport

Rugby –
Important Rules of the game
  • If a player who has the ball is tackled and falls to the ground, when players come to ruck over they are not allowed to come from the side to take the ball. It will be a penalty to the other side. 
  • If a player takes the ball into a maul after three calls if the ball is not played out there lose the ball, and a scrum is given. 
  • When a penalty has been given if the team who offences aren't back 10 meters they go back another 10 meters. 
  • When you are on the floor your must not touch the ball.
  • When you tackle you must roll away.
  • That if an play puts the ball down in his own try it is a scrum 5 meters away from the try line for the attacking team.  

Photos of demonstrating correct hand signals

This the hand signal for a try you have to make sure your back is the dead ball line.  

This is the hand signal for a free kick, when you perform make sure you blow the whistle. 

This is the hand signal for a penalty kick, when you perform make sure you blow the whistle. 

This is the hand signal for obstruction, when you do it you must perform it to all the players to show one player has illegally blocked another. 
This is the hand signal for a forward pass, when you are performing it you pretend to throw a imaginary ball forward and give scrum putting the team who did not make the mistake.  
This is the hand signal for a knock on, you hold you arm and tap your other hand with over one to show a knock on. 
This is the hand signal for a high tackle, when performing you show to all the players that an a illegal tackle has been made. 
This is the hand signal for killing the ball, when they perform it is showing that a play was not on his feet when he joined a ruck.  
This is the hand signal for ball not released, it is showing you that when a player is tackled they have not let go of the ball and the referee awards a penalty to the team who didn't do a mistake. 
This is the hand signal for handling on the ground, it is showing you that the ball was played on the ground. 
This is the hand signal for the line out not being thrown straight, it is showing that the hooker has not thrown the ball straight.   
This is the hand signal for stamping, when it is performed he will move his foot up and down to show stamping on a imaginary ball. 

Recording of correct whistle tones

Monday 9 January 2012

AO3 Gymastics Based Sport

Vault -
Logging Performance
Times (mins)
Score (points)

Single turn

Direct vault

Round-off entry

One quarter to half turn

Explanation to scores reversing
My scores would reverse due to me being ill, tired, lack of sleep, muscles pains, pulled ligaments and broken bones. All of these things can affect my performance because they all stop me from doing my best at my performance which affects my scores and makes it harder to get good scores.  

Diary entry – Vanessa Alter
Vanessa had been noticed since starting at an elite school she came 3rd behind Kerri Strug and Heather Brink at the U.S. Olympic Festival and she also got a silver medal at the U.S. National Championships.  

Vanessa was chosen to take part in one of her strongest activities which was the vault at the 1998 Goodwill games; she defeated many Olympic and world medallists.   

Vanessa became the first ever American women to complete a Rudi vault in competition and she also won the gold medal. 

Video of my performance

Executing skills
Direct vault
Single turn
Round-off entry
One-quarter to half turn

Drills to improve
Sprints – this is where you practice running flat out in sprint with your legs pumping and your arms bent.  
Running methods – this is where you practice running at different speeds and how far away that you use them, and you see which one suits you the best.  
Jumping methods – this is where you practice different types of jumps, you decide which one is perfect for you and decide when you will do it to get a good score.

Witness Statements

Vanessa Alter weaknesses were persistent injuries between 1999 and 2000, also coaching conflicts and gym changes this derailed her progress and she was dropped for the 2000 Olympic team.

Vanessa Alter strengths are that she won a gold medal at the Goodwill games in 1998 at New York City, the U.S. Senior National championships in 1998 at Sacramento and in 1997 at Denver and American cup at St. Petersburg in 1999. Also that her strong’s apparatus are floor and vault.


AO3 Athletic Based Sport

Swimming –


Logging Performance –

 How many metres?
Time (secs)
Front crawl
Front crawl

Explanation of times reversing
Ways that times reverse are lack of sleep, tiredness, too much chlorine in the water, water being to cold and water being to hot. These effect my times because it makes them slower and harder to swim.

Diary entry

September 2010
Dear diary, in my swimming lesson I am learning life saving skills for my next badge by helping people who are in distress in water. I was shown different ways; throwing a rope to the person in distress holding on to it and you pull them in to the side, throwing a empty bottle or a rubber ball to aid as a flotation device and tell the person to kick there legs as hard as they can and help them get out; getting a long floater telling them to hold on while you pull them in. Through this I improved by being able to help some body in distress in water and to know the correct ways of helping them from drowning, without endangering myself.

October 2010
Dear diary, in my swimming lesson I learnt the correct arms and breathing methods for front crawl and breast stroke; where you have to know how many arm pulls are necessary before you turn your head to a side in front crawl, the answer is every three and how many times you breathe in breast stroke it is every stroke that you do. Through this I have improved by knowing all the correct arm pulls and breathing for front crawl and breast stroke and knowing how to perform them correctly. 

November 2010
Dear diary, in my swimming lessons, I learnt the correct arm pulls for back stroke; that you should cut the water with your arms brushing your ears and bring them back round to get a push and your legs to be kicking with strength but not breaking the water. Through this I improved my correct arm pulls for backstroke and know how to get the best arms pulls for gliding through the water. 

Executing skills
Front crawl
Rotary Kick
Feet first surface dive
Head first surface dive
Egg beater

I won this certificate for performing a reaching rescue, swim 50 meters of a recognised front stroke, swim 25 meters of recognised front stroke, swim 25 meters of backstroke, swim 25 meters front crawl demonstrating bilateral breathing. Also swim 2 meters of a front stroke perform a head first surface dive and swim 5 meters under water, swim 5 meters perform feet firsts dive and swim 5 meters underwater.

Drills to improve

Swimming different types of strokes – this is where you chose a type of stroke and choose how many lengths, you want to do and swim and see if you can swap to another stroke to learn how to change and end strokes.  

Different dives – this is where you chose a type of dive and practices it again and again, until you have it perfectly performed and then try another type of dive until it is perfected.

Practicing life safety- this where you practice saving people who are drowning in water by either throwing a rope and telling them to hold on and you pull them in, at the same time they are kicking there legs. Or throwing a rubber ball to help them float and the person who is drowning kicks there legs, also you do the same with a big empty bottle. Or use a long foam tubing to pull the person in and put there hands in a secure position. 

My strengths that I am very good at front crawl and fast when performing this stroke, also I am very good at breast stroke I have a good technique when executing the stroke.

My weaknesses are that when it comes to back stroke, I can perform the stroke well but I struggle to hold my head up and can’t concentrate because when my arms come out of the water, they splash a lot of water at my face which makes difficult for me to concentrate. Other weakness is butterfly my arms don’t have enough power to come from slightly behind my body and then to power myself forward.  

Video to show how I perform

Witness Statements

Sunday 8 January 2012

AO3 Games Based Sport

Games -
Logging Performance -

Blackheath B
Tonbridge Judd’s B                                               
Westcombe Park
Aylesford Bulls
Win Total

Draw Total

Lost Total

Score For      
Score Against         

My Performance            
Unable to play due to broken elbow.
Unable to play due to broken elbow.
Unable to play due to broken elbow.
I played terrible; I fought and won some of the scrums. When it came to the end of the game I was starting to fight them off and get closer to the try line. 
Unable to play due to being unwell. 
I played well and I had a hard game, there was lot of scrums. it was a close game and it came down to the last kick of the game for us to win, which we did by converting a try.
Team’s Performance
The team had a good game; we had some good runs by our players, and support. The forwards were pushing so hard that they were holding back the other team’s, which gave the scrum-half, time to pass the ball to the backs that scored tries. There was a record set by the fall back for scoring 4 tries in one game of U 13’s rugby.
The team had a hard game with a few players missing; they had no subs they did well to hold off the opposition. They scored a try in the first minutes of the game under the posts and followed with a conversion then another try was scored; the other team scored a try, so at half time the score was 12 – 5. Our fly half did a brilliant tackle to stop a try and clear the ball. 
We fought hard and made a few silly mistakes like running the ball over the dead ball line by it being close to the try line. Also to make it fair we had to lend one of our players to the opposition. 
This game we played terrible, we let them score lots of tries. We didn’t tackle any of the players, and let them walk straight through us. Near the end both sides were getting tired, so at the end we were starting to fight back and get closer to their try line, but we didn’t get close enough to score any tries.
That we were just starting to reach the standard of other teams, but it could of helped if we had a fall team and didn’t have to borrow some of there players.
This game the team learnt that your not allow to fly kick across the ground. That not all teams know that you can’t take two penalties quick in a row. We played hard and fought, it came down the final kick if we were to win or loose we kicked straight through the post so we won. 
My improvement after game

After this game, I learnt that there are difficult teams in senior side of rugby and that you need quick reactions and movement. 

That my team were becoming a better squad, and hard to be defeated. Those who play hard, listen and do well get rewards.

Explanation of my performance reversing

My performance is reversing when I am not using the improvements that I was taught; because of tiredness, lack of sleep, hot weather, snowing, cold, the grass being icy, being ill and having broking bones has set me back in training. These can effect my performance because it makes my performance harder to do my aim is to make my performances stronger and easier to beat these problems.

Diary entry

September 2010
Dear diary, in training I have been learning how to ruck over and win the ball, but not to go too far when pushing so I over run the ball and lose it. I learnt the proper way of binding to each other when entering a ruck or maul and how to set up in a scrum as either prop or hooker, how to get an advantage over another team by being lower and have a straight back when driving in a scrum. Through this I improved now being lower in scrums and have learnt to hold off people in rucks and mauls and not to over power and to lose the ball.

October 2010
Dear diary, in training I have been learning some passing drills, so we will be able to pass the ball around the team. Some of the passing drills that we did were a straight pass and to create an overlap where the first person passes to the second then runs to the end of the line and becomes the last man.  Through this I improved better accuracy in passing and how different passes are set up and can be used in game situation.

November 2010
Dear diary, in training I have been learning that drills we do to practice can be used in game situation to help you get the most out of training; we practiced the setup of lineout’s and scrums, learning codes that our team know to get advantage over other teams. Through this I improved, I knew all the codes for scrums and lineout, also that drills are to help in game situation. 

Executing skills

Running with the ball


I won this trophy playing for New Ash Green Rugby club for the season of 2009-2010 and helping them be victories in games, and being there when we lost. This season we where in the Kent cup and came 3rd in the last award trophy, which means we lost the semi-finals but won the bronze final.

I won this trophy by playing for New Ash Green Rugby club for the season of 2010-2011 and I help us to get in to the Kent festival 3rd cup, but then we were beaten in the qualifying to the semi-finals. This season was the last time that my year group U12’s was going to play at mini/midi where the games are 10 minters long which was swapped to 20 - 30 minutes. 

This was my first year in Rugby, I only played half a season, I swapped from Dartfordians to New Ash Green Rugby club. I won this trophy for becoming part of a good team, by making them stronger and better and helping to do well in the Kent festival.

I won this medal for playing in the Kent festival in the season of 2010-2011 and trying my hardest to win a place in the semi finals we were unsuccessful and got a medal rather than a trophy.

Drills to improve

Rucking over – this is where you practice rucks, with rucking pads which allows to set up game play with rucks in different ways to understand how they work and how you can win at them.

Mauling over – this is where you practice mauls, with rucking pads and set up different situation in game play, get the team to play in certain different ways that allow my team to play the different situation better over the other team.   

Passing in a square – this is where you are in a square formation, positioned at the corners, you run to opposite corner and do different types of passing like Chest, Pop, drop and pick up and Gut. Other exercises was to run to the centre of the square and pass the ball right and run left or other different ways to practice passing.

Fitness training – this is where you come and practice running up and down a pitch so you will be able to come fitter and have a good stamina, so you will be able to stay constant with the way you perform.

My strengths are that I am very strong and I am a good prop or hooker; I have a long thrown which is useful when throwing the ball in a lineout. I have broad shoulders and build which helps me when I am rucking over after tackles and performing tackles to win the ball.

To improve my Weaknesses of not being that fit and get better hand eye co-ordination, I am going to practice hard on fitness training and to practice different types of passing and see if I can make them more accurately.  

Video to show how I perform

Witness Statements